Ecclestone agrees with F1 drivers in response letter

Bernie Ecclestone has responded to the F1 drivers’ strong statement by penning a letter in which the 85-year-old supremo agrees with their take on the current state of F1.

The Grand Prix Drivers’ Association (GPDA) addressed on Wednesday an open letter to F1 stakeholders, owners, and fans to express their discontent with the sport’s current governance and warn that recent decisions “could jeopardise its future success”.

“It is not always easy to agree with you but you are correct in stating that the decision making process in the sport is obsolete and ill structured,” Ecclestone said in his reply.

“We must as you have stated urge the owners and all the stakeholders of Formula 1 to consider restructuring its own governance.

“It is easy to analyse what is wrong so why not think and come back on this. At least it is better to think before you wish.”

Ecclestone also made a witty comment in his letter, claiming that drivers were not entirely right when they say that people in F1 act “with the very best intentions.”

“I have been in Formula 1 for nearly 50 years in an active role and another 18 involved in some way,” the commercial rights chief added.

“You state that every individual acts with the very best intentions. I am not sure if this is a misprint. If not, it should read “with their very best intentions.”

Here is the full letter from Bernie Ecclestone to the F1 drivers

Dear Gentlemen, 

I am not sure if this is the right description. It is not always easy to agree with you but you are correct in stating that the decision making process in the sport is obsolete and ill structured.

We must as you have stated urge the owners and all the stakeholders of Formula 1 to consider restructuring its own governance. 

It is easy to analyse what is wrong so why not think and come back on this. At least it is better to think before you wish.

I have been in Formula 1 for nearly 50 years in an active role and another 18 involved in some way. You state that every individual acts with the very best intentions. I am not sure if this is a misprint. If not, it should read “with their very best intentions.

Best wishes


Technical analysis – Melbourne

Scene at the Australian Grand Prix

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