Could Kona 2019 be David McNamee’s year?

Just when David McNamee thought he’d shaken off the dark horse tag for Kona, Alistair Brownlee decides to show up and steal the spotlight. Not that the Scot minds. Despite two third places in Hawaii and an ability to run a marathon in the heat that’s only surpassed by reigning champion Patrick Lange, his demeanour doesn’t change. McNamee just goes about his business and, come October, works his way through the field and onto the podium.


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His success on the Big Island has come as little surprise to two former coaches. “Dave was always somebody who could recover well between sessions and was looking to do more,” says Malcolm Brown, who coached McNamee in Leeds during his ITU days. “To win at ITU level, you really had to commit from the B of the bang, but Dave
wanted to measure his energy expenditure over the race, which I thought was potentially a massive asset at long distance.”