Ironman aligns global rules with ITU for 2015
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Ironman has released its updated competition rules for 2015, taking effect this March and designed to align more closely with the ITU’s regulations.
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Ironman has released its updated competition rules for 2015, taking effect this March and designed to align more closely with the ITU’s regulations.
The rules for drafting distances, time penalties and wetsuit water temperature cut-offs will now be globally uniform at Ironman and Ironman 70.3 events:
Draft zones
The age-group bicycle draft zone is 10m long, measured from the leading edge of the front wheel and extending towards the back of the bike (five bike lengths of clear space between bikes). An age-group athlete may enter the draft zone of another athlete when passing and must continuously progress through the draft zone. A maximum of 20secs will be allowed to pass through the zone of another athlete.
The professional bicycle draft zone is 12m long, measured from the leading edge of the front wheel and extending towards the back of the bike (six bike lengths of clear space between bikes). A professional athlete must immediately move to the side upon entering the draft zone of another athlete when passing (in other words, no slipstreaming) and must continuously progress through the draft zone. A maximum of 25secs will be allowed to pass through the zone of another athlete.
Race referee cards (professional and age group athletes)
Yellow Card: Stop and Go Time Penalty
Blue Card: Five Minute Time Penalty
Red Card: Disqualification (DSQ)
Time penalties (professional and age group athletes)
First Time Penalty: Five minutes
Second Time Penalty: Five minutes
Third Time Penalty: Disqualification (DSQ)
Any combination of three cards (yellow or blue) will result in a disqualification (red card).
Professional and age group wetsuit cut-off temperatures
Professional athletes will be allowed to wear wetsuits in water temperatures up to and including 21.9C. Age group athletes will be allowed to wear wetsuits in water temperatures up to and including 24.5C.
“We have been working closely with the ITU on this initiative for the past year,” said Ironman CEO Andrew Messick. “As Ironman continues to grow globally and expand into emerging markets that have limited Federation support, it is important that we have a uniform set of rules at our races. This is a big first step for us to harmonise our competition rules, which will create a more consistent race day experience.”
@IronmanTri @CEOIronman Thanks guys, very happy about the lower wetsuit cut-off for pro’s. Much needed!
— Josh Amberger (@JoshAmberger) February 12, 2015
@IronmanTri If we can align with ITU rules, how about their commitment to equality for pro triathletes? @50WomenToKona #dotherightthing
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— Sue Aquila (@fewoman) February 12, 2015
The new rules will take effect in Europe, Africa and the Americas on 1 March, and in the Asia-Pacific region between March and July. A complete download of Ironman’s competition rules for 2015 can be downloaded here.
What do you think of these newly updated rules? Let us know in the comments below!
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摘要 最新研究顯示,中醫在乾癬與關節炎管理中扮演著越來越重要的角色,這對許多患者而言具有深遠的意義。 歸納要點: 中醫治療乾癬與關節炎強調「辨證論治」,針對患者的體質和病情制定個性化方案,從而提升療效。 研究發現中藥具備免疫調節、抗炎及抗氧化等作用,為臨床應用提供了堅實的理論基礎。 傳統中醫療法如針灸和艾灸不僅能緩解疼痛,也有助於改善生活品質,並與西醫形成互補效果。 整體而言,中醫結合西醫的治療模式,有望為乾癬與關節炎患者帶來更佳的健康改善。 目錄 乾癬與關節炎:中醫治療的全新視野 中醫如何看待乾癬與關節炎? 中醫治療乾癬與關節炎的獨特方法 中醫療法與西醫治療的互補性 乾癬與關節炎患者的中醫治療建議 乾癬與關節炎:中醫治療的全新視野 近年來,乾癬與關節炎的治療逐漸引起人們的重視,而中醫在這方面顯示出其獨特的潛力。研究發現,中藥如苦參和黃連能夠抑制乾癬患者體內的免疫失衡,透過調節Th17和Treg細胞及IL-17訊號通路,有效改善症狀。這不禁讓我好奇:中醫如何在現代醫學中找到自己的位置?同時,針灸也被證實對關節炎疼痛有明顯效果,它可以改善血液迴圈並減緩炎症,不僅如此,還能增進睡眠品質。在這樣的新趨勢下,中西醫結合治療不再是遙不可及的夢想,而是為許多患者提供了更完善的選擇。我們是否應該重新思考這些傳統療法在日常生活中的應用呢? 本文歸納全篇注意事項與風險如下,完整文章請往下觀看 須注意事項 : 中醫在乾癬與關節炎的治療上,可能缺乏大規模臨床試驗的數據支持,這使得其療效難以得到廣泛認可,特別是在科學界對實證醫學的重視下。 中醫治療方法往往依賴於個體化診斷和治療,但此種方法可能導致患者之間的效果差異較大,使某些患者感到困惑或失望,影響其接受度。 由於中醫治療通常需要較長時間才能見效,因此在尋求快速緩解症狀的現代社會背景下,中醫可能面臨吸引力不足的挑戰。 大環境可能影響: 隨著科技進步和新藥物的不斷推出,西醫對於乾癬與關節炎的治療手段持續增多,中醫若無法創新或提供獨特價值,將面臨市場份額被侵蝕的風險。 患者對健康信息獲取途徑多樣化,也使得他們更容易受到西藥宣傳及最新研究結果的影響,而忽略中醫提供的長期解決方案。 全球化背景下,中醫文化面臨著西方主流醫學價值觀念擠壓,如果不加強自身品牌形象和國際交流合作,中醫可能會被邊緣化。 中醫如何看待乾癬與關節炎? 中醫對於乾癬與關節炎的看法,著重於整體性與多元因素的考量。你是否曾想過,為什麼這些疾病會頻繁發生?在中醫眼中,乾癬和關節炎不僅是面板或關節的問題,它們常常反映了人體內氣血失調、經絡不通等狀況。舉例來說,如果你的乾癬是因為風寒濕邪侵襲,那麼中醫會建議使用一些能溫經散寒、祛風止癢的藥物。而如果你面臨的是由濕熱造成的關節炎,中醫則會選擇清熱利濕的方法來幫助緩解。 中醫還運用針灸、推拿和食療等手段來治療這些疾病。例如,針灸可以有效改善區域性迴圈,而推拿則有助於減輕疼痛和僵硬感。在食療方面,像苦瓜和綠豆這類具有清熱涼血功效的食物,非常適合乾癬患者;而黑豆和山藥等則對於補腎壯骨有極好的效果。這樣一來,不僅能針對症狀進行治療,也讓我們從飲食上進行調整,以達到更全面的健康管理。 我們在研究許多文章後,彙整重點如下 網路文章觀點與我們總結 乾癬性關節炎是一種與乾癬相關的發炎性關節炎,屬於中醫的痹症範疇。 其主要症狀包括關節腫脹、變形及活動受限,且皮膚上會出現紅色疹子和銀屑。 中醫治療以疏風清熱、涼血解毒為主,常用藥方包括銀翹散和黃連解毒湯。 根據患者體質不同,可能需要調整配方以達到更好的療效,如加減特定草藥來針對濕熱或血虛的情況。 早期治療可防止病情惡化,但由於此病症狀可能復發,因此需長期管理。 約有8%的乾癬患者可能會進一步發展成乾癬性關節炎,需要特別留意和及時就醫。 乾癬性關節炎不僅影響皮膚,也可能讓人感到身心俱疲。雖然目前尚無法完全根治,但透過中醫的調理與長期管理,可以有效改善症狀並提升生活品質。我們每個人都應該重視自己的健康,一旦發現類似問題,就應該尋求專業幫助,以免病情惡化影響日常生活。 觀點延伸比較: 療法 作用機制 適應症 常用藥方 注意事項 中醫治療 疏風清熱、涼血解毒,調和脏腑功能 乾癬性關節炎、皮膚乾癬等相關病症 銀翹散、黃連解毒湯、當歸飲等 需根據患者體質調整配方,以針對濕熱或血虛情況,並進行長期管理 西醫治療 使用抗炎藥物及免疫抑制劑以控制症狀及減少發作頻率 乾癬性關節炎的急性發作與慢性維持治療 非類固醇抗炎藥(NSAIDs)、生物製劑等 可能有副作用,需要定期監測肝腎功能 生活方式改變 透過飲食調整及運動促進身心健康,降低發作頻率…
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