Bryan/WWE Update, NXT Stars Get Names, Hogan Podcast Coming?

When WWE announced that Daniel Bryan had been cleared to return to the ring earlier this year, a lot of fans were completely blindsided by the news as some did not imagine that he would ever be deemed healthy enough to compete again. Although Bryan has since returned to the ring on a full time schedule, the Smackdown Superstar has still not signed a new contract with the company. A new update on his WWE status was just provided by Bryan himself during an interview with The Business Times when he said that “there’s a good chance [he’ll] re-sign” with the company. Bryan is being advertised for more shows past his upcoming September 1st contract expiration date, so it is definitely looking increasingly more likely that Bryan will remain onboard the WWE roster.
The NXT roster is just absolutely brimming with talent right now, and that is not event counting some of the Performance Center recruits who are all just waiting for their chance to compete on WWE programming. WWE has just uploaded a photo gallery on their website of every singles Performance Center recruit that they currently have, and while that gallery included a lot of familiar faces, some of those individuals were listed with brand new ring names. For instance, former TNA Wrestling star Gunner is now going by the name Jaxon Riker. Also, former ROH standout Donovan Dijak’s ring name has just been changed to Dominik Dijakovic. Feel free to check out the full gallery right here.
It seems as if nowadays just about every single person involved in the wrestling business has launched their very own podcast. With the success of podcasts such as The Steve Austin Show, Talk is Jericho, and Something to Wrestle With Bruce Prichard, now is the perfect time for those who were once involved in the business to create their own shows, attract fans, and share some interesting stories. It now seems as if WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan may be getting in on the fun. When a fan recently asked “The Hulkster” if he had plans to launch a podcast, Hogan informed his fans that a similar project is currently in the works. With the amount of success that Hogan had in wrestling, there is definitely potential for one entertaining show if he did decide to launch one.

My team has something in the works brother. Stay tuned
— Hulk Hogan (@HulkHogan) July 14, 2018

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