Auburn (Mass.) Benefits from Little League® Grow the Game Grant Program

The Auburn Little League in Auburn, Mass., has been around for more than five decades. Over the course of that half-century of play, the league has been strong enough to offer many divisions, including Tee Ball, Coach Pitch, Minor, Major, Intermediate (50/70), Junior, and Senior. In fact, the league has consistently grown for the last…

Jason Reitman’s New Ghostbusters Surprise Movie Gets a Teaser Trailer

Jason Reitman has been working on a secret Ghostbusters sequel for some time, and it has just gotten its first teaser trailer. The brief teaser was tweeted out by Reitman (after being revealed by EW) with the line “Everybody can relax, I found the car.” This line was used in the original film when Dan…

‘Straight out of the Otpor playbook’: Venezuelan opposition gears up to fight soldiers with roses

The anti-government opposition in Venezuela seems to be lining up a made-for-TV moment, shipping in boxes of flowers to protesters, presumably intended for soldiers guarding the country’s Colombian border. Venezuela’s border with Colombia is the scene of an escalating row over foreign aid shipments. Opposition leader Juan Guaido has promised to bring US-supplied aid into…

German police failed to probe THOUSANDS of tip-offs on refugees suspected of war crimes – reports

Thousands of war crime-themed cases involving asylum-seekers were referred to the German authorities in recent years, but only a small portion of them was eventually picked up for investigation, a new report has found. From 2014 to early 2019, the German migration and refugee services referred around 5,000 cases of “crimes under international law” to…

How Many End Credit Scenes Are in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse?

With the reviews now in for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, we can reveal whether there are any end- or post-credit scenes in the Sony-Marvel film and, if so, how many. Turn away now if you don’t want to know! Still here? OK then… There isn’t really a mid-credits scene in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, but there is a nice and…

Lacy Lee Baker Resigns As NFCA Executive Director

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — After 21 years as the National Fastpitch Coaches Association (NFCA) Executive Director, Lacy Lee Baker has announced her resignation, effective August 31.   Baker, a 2014 NFCA Hall of Fame inductee, joined the Association in 1994 as its second full-time executive director, two years before a name change from the National Softball…

Not My Territory*: Perspectives From Urban Indigenous People Across Canada

I’ve spent a large portion of my life as an urban Indigenous person. My father’s side of the family is from Tyendinaga (The Bay of Quinte), a Mohawk community two hours east of Toronto, while my mother’s is of primarily Scottish descent, I think from Kirkcaldy. I grew up in Taymouth N.B., but I’ve also…

‘Danger & restraint’: Neither India nor Pakistan want to start nuclear war, former leaders insist

Despite tensions between the nuclear-armed neighbors having reached dangerous levels following the deadly blast in Kashmir, a war between India and Pakistan is highly unlikely, former leaders of the two states have stressed. India remains committed to a no-first-use policy, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Sunday, calling his country a “reluctant nuclear weapon state” whose…