Farmer – Exporter partnerships in Kenya’s floriculture industry

Do these partnerships lead to enhancing the smallholder farmers’ innovation capabilities thus increasing their opportunities for accessing export markets? The smallholders can access export markets directly when the key determinants of value addition, post harvest handling and marketing. But because their operations are small. these factors become a limiting factor to their growth How do…


本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用 有时我们需要将Excel数据表格打印出来,这是就会进行分页预览一下,但是分页预览后,在Excel表格中怎么取消分页预览呢?下边的小技巧就可以帮助我们解决这个难题哦! 首先打开我们的表格,点击分页预览后,我们可以看到原来的页面会变成下面这种形式; >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 这时,我们可以通过点击下方的【普通视图】,就可以取消分页预览; >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 同样的,我们也可以选择【视图】中的【普通】功能按钮; >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 这时,页面就会恢复我们常见的形式,但是呢,我们会发现在表格中会有一些虚线; >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 这些虚线该怎么处理呢?其实很简单,我们点击【文件】中的【选项】,这时会出现选项操作面板,在选项的【视图】中,我们取消勾选【自动分页符】; >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 最后,我们返回Excel表格,就可以发现表格已经正常显示了: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 那么,上述中如何在Excel表格中怎么取消分页预览是不是很简单呢,你学会了吗? Keyword: wps官网

Reasons and Countermeasures for Common Damage of Extruder Screw

Click:Piping bag making machine The screw and barrel of the extruder are the core components of the extruder. Their combination is related to the working quality of the extruder, the plasticizing ability of the material and the production efficiency. Therefore, when the extruder screws and barrels are severely worn, it will affect the output of…

Product Expertise Isn’t Enough for B2B Buyers Anymore

Mar 31 From the NAW Blog: It’s no secret that for years most distributors have neglected core sales skills training for their sellers. There are several reasons for this benign neglect of sales skills investment. First, historically, industrial B2B buyers didn’t necessarily need a highly skilled seller. Their purchases were largely needs-driven — not discretionary…

Deep Robotics unveils new four-legged robot

#Product Trends Deep Robotics unveils new four-legged robot Deep Robotics, a developer of quadrupedal robots for industrial applications, has launched the newest version of its dexterous intelligent robot dog, Lite3. The company says the new four-legged robot “combines advanced mobility and open modular structure” to serve education, research, and innovative entertainment purposes. The new Lite3…

Five Ways to Improve Aluminum Die Casting Part Quality

Recognized for being incredibly lightweight and durable, aluminum is one of the most popular materials used in the production of functional parts and prototypes. It also offers impeccable corrosion resistance, thermal and electrical conductivity, and also retains dimensional stability even in high temperatures and harsh environments. Since this particular metal has such a high melting…

唐斯称先经历失败才能成功 这赛季失利是夺冠前的代价

在北京时间8月22日的新闻报道中,明尼苏达森林狼队的球星卡尔-安东尼·唐斯参与了保罗·乔治的播客节目《Podcast P with Paul George》。在节目中,唐斯分享了他的篮球经历以及对当前NBA赛季的看法。 他说:“你必须先失败才能成功。我们必须为我们最终赢得冠军付出代价,我认为这就是我们今年所做的。每个人都有机会认识到,现在的森林狼队已经不再是过去人们所熟知的那支球队。我们是真正的竞争者,我们每个晚上都能在最高水平上竞争,在七场比赛的系列赛中击败我们将是很困难的。我认为我们展示了很多,做了很多,取得了很多成就。通过经历的教训,我们将在新赛季获得更大的成功。” Keyword: NBA直播live